新力高實業有限公司 新力高實業有限公司 NEW RICLE IND. CO. LTD. 本公司成立於2013年,專注於香港辨公室用品批發,同時亦在世界各地搜羅最新產品及物料資訊,為了突破傳統文具產品,我們不斷創新及引入各式各樣的產品,品牌包括 GODEX、NAVIGATOR、MIRACLE 、WINMARK、AK 及 台灣寶等。 近年率先於德國引入全球保質期最長的MIRACLE熱敏紙,及於葡萄牙引入全球銷量第一的NAVIGATOR影印紙,為配合各大零售市場需要,產品均通過多項國際級認證,我們本著以客為先及不斷進步的精神,提供最優質及完善的服務。 |
NEW RICLE IND. CO. LTD. was established in 2013, focusing on the wholesale of Hong Kong office supplies. In order to break through the traditional stationery products, we collect the latest products and materials information from all over the world. We continue to innovate and the introduction of a wide range of products, including GODEX, NAVIGATOR, MIRACLE, WINMARK, AK and TW PO.
In recent years, it has taken the lead in introducing the world's longest-lasting MIRACLE thermal paper in Germany, and introduced the world's No. 1 NAVIGATOR photocopying paper in Portugal. In order to meet the needs of major retail markets, the products have passed many international certifications. We keep the spirit of continuous improvement to provide the highest quality and perfect service.